Bienvenue Moulin de Courçay

In 2020, our planned move from NYC to France was fast-tracked due to world events. Everyone’s estimation of a brief two-week disruption expanded into months, eventually stretching beyond a year here in France.

We knew we wanted a change from the hustle and bustle of NYC. Seeking a haven within a tranquil country setting, we embarked on a property hunt, initially captivated by the grandeur of castles. We knew we also wanted a space large enough to hold cultural and community events; we wanted to surround ourselves with art and creativity. However, our quest came to a halt the moment we laid eyes on this magical gem—right on the Indre, our very own little islet, 12th-century bridge, and moulin!

The earliest mention of Moulin Courcay is from 1338. Destroyed in both world wars and rebuilt in the 30s and again in the 50s. This space was once a flour mill, as were all the mills off the Indre, an electric mill, a sandal factory, a storehouse of rare antiquities, and soon to be a cultural- center.

We have since poured our passion and energy into restoring and enhancing this space since it laid bare and empty for almost 30 years. Our excitement grows each day, eager to unveil the transformation we've lovingly shaped.

Together, our family—complete with our son and little Welshie, Magik—can't wait to offer you a warm welcome. Dive into our site and discover the worldly charm of Moulin Courçay.

Don’t miss a thing…

We’re planning, dreaming, doing amazing things here…